Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What is it this time?

Okay so I think I'm starting to see a pattern here. Yesterday was a great anxiety free day! Yipee! Today? Hmmm... not so much. I'm finding that when I have a really good day, the next day usually has some kind of anxiety issues, sometimes major attached to it.

Take today for instance. Woke up good! Always a plus. Went to work, everything seemed fine. About an hour into my shift, I stand up and, hello anxiety! Balance issues were back and I felt all foggy and it was hard to look around without feeling all weird etc. Whah!

Of course I started to get nervous. I worried about this for quite a while. Then about halfway through my shift it was no longer an issue. My head felt clearer and my balance was better, I could walk and look around ok. Whatever.

I was good the rest of the time. When I got off at 2 we went to the park and fed Fancy Feathers, then it was onward to therapy. I started feeling a tiny bit off, right before the session, but I was super tired too. Everything was going great in my session, until the very end. I probably should have mentioned this, but we were right in the middle of a discussion, so I let it pass.

What happened was, I was sitting there listening, and out of nowhere I felt like my world tilted on me. I had to grab the couch for support, and I was sitting! I didn't spin, but it was almost like I was going too. I can't even describe it, but it was almost if someone pushed me really fast and I fell over to the right a bit. A very strange sensation, that I'm pretty sure never happened before.

Naturally I had to worry about that for quite a while. And after therapy we went to electronic geek central because Matt was looking for some part for his robot, and I had a hard time in the store walking around and being near people. I felt when people or the isles got too close, it was like I was trapped and the intensity of the sensations would increase big time. This used to happen a lot in stores.

Today I'm sure it was because I was worried about what happened earlier. So I did the only thing I could do at the time, I broke out my cell phone and started playing a game. It totally worked! By the time we got to Petsmart, I was fine. Stood in line for quite awhile and it didn't phase me at all. Phew!

On the way home we stopped at mom's for some dinner and visiting with Karl's sister, and her kids. It was fun, and we watched "The Great Race" afterwards. Well Matt and I had to leave early due to the Dink and his insulin, but it was a lot of fun to watch what we saw.

I just love that movie, and it brought back so many happy memories for me. As a kid I watched it so much I can still quote the 2 1/2 hour movie line for line to this day. It's something about the actors and the time frame, and I really don't know what it is to be honest, but ever since I can remember I've watched the classics. I've always felt I was born in the wrong era.

Anyhoo, it was nice to see again, even if it was only partway.

As I write this, I'm again super dizzy, like I was last night after posting. Every darn sound sets me off, and it's very bothersome. This used to happen about 7 years ago, but It went away and I haven't had much trouble with it until now. Darn it!

I think I'll go downstairs and look at my collage in progress, to distract myself. Usually that will work for ahwile.

Thank god tomorrow is my Friday!


  1. Hey. It sounds to me like you have learned some great tools and are able to remember them AND use them....good for you! By the way....hi I am cathy.

  2. Hey Cathy,

    Thank you! Yes I have learned some tools, and it helps a lot! My life is definitely getting better. :)
