Saturday, August 8, 2009

Que Sera Sera

Oh lordy. Today was a battle. I am so being tested I just know it.

First today was Santa Rosa day. Fine. I woke up feeling good actually. I had a couple hours to kill , so I fooled around on the art blogs until Matt got up. Somehow between waking up and getting ready to go today, I started feeling bad.

It was almost like I was weak and shaky, yet I didn't feel crazy hungry or anything, so I tried to let it go, and got ready anyway. By the time we left the house it was pretty late, (Matt's fault) so we decided to just go and see how far we got. Our main goal today was at least get to San Francisco. We got over the hill, and I was still feeling off. The road made me seasick, and I just felt yucky.

Thinking food might be in order we stopped to get something to go. Well while waiting for our food, I walked to a garbage can to throw something away, and on the way back to the car, I felt like I couldn't walk anymore. That weird foggy feeling came on, and it was like lifting your legs out of something heavy, and everything feels unreal. Ugh.

Needless to say, I freaked out. We got our food and left, and I tried to eat just in case I needed it, but I was too nervous. At Palo Alto we got off the freeway and went to a parking lot so I could walk around. I was fine there, but still felt shaky and weird, so I called off the San Francisco trip and we decided to go do the only thing that always makes me feel better. Go to Rooster Park.

Too bad he wasn't there. Oh well. We still had a good time walking through the creek, and as you can imagine, I was fine. I felt so good that I decided to go to SF after all. Well, after we stopped at the art store and got a tube of paint of course.

Apparently our car feels the need to deposit something along 280 every time we head to the city. Maybe it's some kind of offering, I don't know, but last time it was the bike, and today it was part of the car.

Unfortunately we were driving in the fast lane, when we heard a very strange sound and felt like we ran something over. I looked back and thought I saw bits of tire fly by. Major panic! We were stuck on the freeway. I found out today that people do stupid things when they panic. You see we were pulled over to the left of the fast lane. Not much room to move around over there, and what do I do? I open the car door to GET OUT! It wasn't until an angry driver honked at me, did I realize just how close those cars were whizzing by.

Gee whiz, I can't believe how stupid I reacted. All I wanted to do was escape. I was super scared at the thought of being stuck there. Had it been on the right side of the road, it would have been easier, as it's wider and you can walk off the road to the nearest exit.

After all that, it turned out to be something underneath the car that came loose and was scrapping along the road. So we drove to the exit and pulled it off and all was fine.

Just in case you are wondering, yes we did make it to the city after that, and even after hitting traffic right before 92, I still made it, and we had a really good time. We took lots of photos for my art. I think I have a slight obsession with doors and windows now. I've got a bunch of ideas for them.

Then we came home. I had a bit of trouble at the burrito place on the way back, it was hard to stand, because of balance, but I was ok later.

The only issue I have, is that I'm really having balance trouble now. Even just sitting here on the couch. Every movement I make, I feel it like a 100 times more. It's making me seasick.

I was just downstairs finishing a collage, and even then, as I was standing I could feel it, and that doesn't happen. Usually with art, I'm fine. So I'm not happy about this.

Other than that though, the day was good and productive and I'm really glad that despite my major meltdowns earlier, we still made it to the city. Major points today!

Oh yeah and the collage I'm doing right now, is called What will be will be or Que Sera Sera. I got the idea after Jeff said that in a comment and I loved it, because it's so true. I knew right away I would make a collage around it, and I finished it tonight. Maybe I'll bring it to my session this week...

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