Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Thank god it's Friday!

Woke up feeling good again balance wise that is. So nice! I did threaten not to go to work though, but I did. It is sooooooooo hard for me to get up and get ready that early in the morning. I detest the thought of it. I really need to find another job that is more interesting for me. One that I won't mind getting up early for!

Work was alright. Was by myself again, which is good in some ways, though it was super busy and by the end of my shift I was so ready to be gone. Anxiety wise I was pretty good too. I had a brief moment or two, but nothing really bad at all. I've even been sitting through my whole shift despite feeling like I'm on a boat when sitting in the chair.

That feeling isn't nearly as bad as it used to be, thank goodness! Other than that not much else happened. I went to therapy after work, which went well. And then we went to the park to find Fancy Feathers.

At first we didn't see him, but then we saw that he was hiding in the blackberry bushes. Poor guy. We gave him some food and water and he gobbled that up. Unfortunately by the time we found him it was too late to grab him and bring him in to work to check out his leg. I suspect we will try again tomorrow. He really needs to be seen. He can't walk at all, and I'm afraid he will be eaten if he can't get away from predators. Hopefully it will go well tomorrow.

Oh yeah I was real proud of myself at the park, because while we were there, a fire truck came roaring up to the camp again and this time I didn't even flinch. Even when the ambulance rolled up a few minutes later I didn't get scared. Total progress compared to last time!

We are home now and sounds keep setting off my dizziness, but I'm trying really hard to ignore it. I've managed to waste the night on Facebook (something I hardly do) and the art blogs. Now, I'm off to watch my shows. It's a little early but it's Friday night for me, no reason to get up at the crack of dawn, I figure I can finally relax!

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