Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Covered in paint and glue

I'm totally excited right now. For two reasons. One I just made a really cool collage, and two , I am now friends with Tony Curtis on Facebook. I know! I can't stop shrieking. I was just watching him in the Great Race last night. How cool is that??

I found his blog too. Pretty neato, plus he will be in San Diego celebrating the 50th anniversary of Some Like it Hot, (like my most favorite movie ever!) in Sept, so of course I have to get over my stupid anxiety about traveling to go down there and see him.

Yeah so I have a little bit of Lucy Ricardo in me, when it comes to celebrities. I'm pretty sure I pissed off Mickey Dolenz and Peter Tork, and I know Martin Landau thinks I'm a nut. But that's a story for another time.

Anyhoo, back to my painting. It's pretty cool. I tried a collage technique I've been admiring for several years now. A couple of times I've tried mastering it, but I never really got it. Tonight I got it.

Know what it's about? Fear. Yep, It's called, "Face Your Fears". I'm going to do another fear one, and I have an awesome idea for it. I cannot wait, and I hope it works out. I would like to post it here, but I haven't put any pictures up on this blog yet, and I feel it might ruin the look. It will be up on my art blog tomorrow though for sure.

It was a lot of fun to make. Another one of those moments where you just create and don't think much, and everything comes out to your liking. I love that!!

Just because I am totally high on my creation right now, doesn't mean that today was a piece of cake. I did have anxiety. Most of the day. But it was mild. And I dealt with it.

I woke up feeling good again! Went to work, had a decent day. Anxiety symptoms less severe than yesterday. Had some balance issues off and on throughout my shift, but I managed them, and they didn't get out of hand.

I also, you won't believe this so soon after my session, but I asserted myself to my supervisor today! Jeff did you hear that? That's like 10,000 points rigtht there! It was hard but I stood up for myself and got my way. I have a feeling this will be an ongoing battle with her, as she seems to come up with new things to try on me on a daily basis.

I know she's testing me, and playing games and trying to control me. My guess is she will F with me enough that I will want to quit within the next 6 months. Just in case I'm going to start looking at jobs and see what's out there.

The rest of my day went without too much incident. When we got home, I managed to take a nap I think. I'm not sure how much sleep I got, because I was dizzy and kept waking up for various reasons, but I did feel a little more rested afterwards.

The only issue was I've had a lingering yucky feeling since then. It's mild, but just annoying enough to make me think about it more than I should.

Naturally it went away when I was painting, but the moment I stop, it all comes back.

These are the things that make you go Hmmm...

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