Friday, August 21, 2009

Half an art day

Well, I did almost nothing again today. I spent the first half on the computer doing emails and the whole blog stuff. I didn't get a whole lot accomplished, but I did reconnect with two friends that I hadn't talked to in awhile which was really good.

After lunch we went over to the local gallery in Ben Lomond, to find out how/if I can get my work shown there. Well it turns out you need to enter your work into various shows they have. They are doing one now, that my work doesn't apply to, but the next one I can try.

I have to be a member, and Matt said I should sign up, so I will do that tomorrow. Then on Sept. 20th I'll go down and give them my artwork and see if they take it. If they do, then it stays in the gallery for a whole month! Pretty cool.

When we got home I was finally jazzed up enough to trek downstairs and make more collages. I did three tonight and I have another that is close to being finished. All in all not a bad day. I even had little anxiety. I woke up ok. Felt strange, almost dizzy when I first woke up, but getting out of bed was fine.

Just a few little incidents of balance issues here and there, but mostly I've been pretty good today. We even went to the store and I didn't have any problems in the aisles or standing in line. Even when Matt left me in line to go look for something I was okay.

I did feel off in the gallery though. Sometimes walking in the stores around here, the floors are uneven and that will set off the balance sensations. I felt like that in the gallery, though it could have also been nervousness on my part, since I was definitely anxious approaching people about showing my art. I also was a tiny bit afraid of feeling trapped if I got into a huge conversation with someone about the rules and regulations.

Anyhoo, it all worked out fine, and now I'm ready to put the finishing touches on the collages and then watch my shows.

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