Sunday, August 16, 2009

I should have stayed in bed today

If I explained everything that was wrong with me today, I'd be here all night. I'm much too tired to do that, so I'll try to go for the highlights.

It started last night. Could not sleep thanks to extreme dizziness every time I heard a noise. WTF may I ask is that crap? Finally fell asleep near 3 am. Not at all good when one needs to wake up at 6 am.

Needless to say I felt like poop upon waking. Very tired, balance off a little, headache, sore, out of it etc. Against my will, I went to work. For the most part I was okay. Felt horrible, but got into the groove and had a little anxiety. Mainly balance problems sitting in my chair and standing/walking in the beginning. After my break things settled down, and for the most part felt pretty good. Well as good as expected on less than 4 hours of sleep.

Then I came home. Went to take a nap, and I felt awful lying down. Propped myself up more so I was pretty much sitting up, and managed to fall asleep for maybe an hour. Oh my gosh, when I woke I felt worse than before.

Any movements made me feel off balance and like I was still moving. For instance if I leaned to the side, my balance went screwy and it felt like I was still leaning/moving even though I was still.

That went on for a couple hours, really bumming me out. I got to the point where I would be sort of be okay sitting, but then I would get up to walk, and I would feel really heavy and lopsided, and like someone was pushing me over. It also felt like my legs wouldn't walk straight.

So I cleaned the bedroom and vacuumed the house and felt better. I still have it a little when I walk, but it's not as bad as before. Now if only this blasted headache would go away!

This sensation has happened before, and I did not freak out, but I did get sad. I really don't want to go through my life feeling like this. It sure will be depressing. I have to assume this lovely symptom whatever it is, will stay with me, like all the others have. I have never had something just go away completely.

I really hope this is anxiety.

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