Monday, August 17, 2009

I really don't know what title to give this post...

I'm watching Some Like it Hot right now in honor of Tony Curtis who's been ill this past week. I just love this movie! It's always been one of my favorites, in fact I think it is my favorite movie. It never ever gets old. It sure is good to laugh and relax.

Oh and you will not believe this. I actually went to, and stayed for my doctors appointment today. I know! I'm flabbergasted as well. I announced to everyone, that I might just get up and go anytime because I was anxious, and what do you know, it wasn't that bad, and I stayed for the whole thing! The doctor wasn't my regular doctor, but she was very good with me. In fact I think I might switch over to her permanently.

The funny thing was I actually wasn't all that anxious beforehand. I didn't anticipate it like I normally do. In fact the whole time I was pretty sure I wasn't even going to go. Maybe that was why I didn't worry so much. I was mainly worried that I would worry and freak out once I was there, especially in the room with the doctor. I was afraid I would feel trapped. But I was pretty good. I think it may have helped that I told her right away about my anxiety and that I might leave. After that It wasn't too bad.

So, it turns out the balance stuff that I have been feeling lately may be partially due to the fact that I have a right earful of wax. Major like. In fact she wanted to flush it out then but I was too chicken to do so. Though I really should have, because as soon as she put that darn otoscope in my ear, I became partially deaf. She totally plugged up my ear, and now it hurts, and is super full feeling. I'm getting used to it though, and tomorrow I'll put the drops in that she told me to get.

It better work! Oh! And she also told me, to stay on my allergy medicine, because from the looks of me, I need it she said. So I ordered that again too.

I have been referred to a neurologist to check out my balance issues, since they have been happening for so long, and just to be sure everything is good. She said from what she can tell I appear to be normal and healthy. She did a few neuro tests on me, and I passed.

So anyway today was pretty good. Survived work, without any major anxiety issues, woke up feeling pretty decent balance wise too.

Other than that all is well, oh except Fancy Feathers is injured. I'm really sad about that, he can't walk well at all, so tomorrow we will check on him after work and if he's still bad I'll try to take him in to work. We left him with tons of food and water today. we bought him a pail to put the water in since he has a hard time bending down, and hopefully nobody will take it away from him. I really hope he's okay during the night too, because he can't really get around to go to whatever hiding place he has.

Worry worry worry, that's what I do, even if it's not about me. I gotta run now, must eat my Lucky Charms and finish my movie!

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