Saturday, August 15, 2009

Art Day!

I need to make this quick tonight, as I'm running late, and need to start winding down for bed, because I work tomorrow morning.

So I woke up feeling pretty decent. No major issues. Right around lunch time though, I felt like I was having trouble breathing, but that went away after awhile. So I didn't pay too much attention to it.

It's amazing but I actually went downstairs right after lunch and started doing my collages. I finished 6 of them today!! Well 4 were already started from last night, and two I started and finished all tonight. Not too shabby huh? I have another one resting right now, as I'm not quite sure how to finish it, so by tomorrow I should have a total of 7.

I just came up right now, and pretty much have been doing art since about 1:00 this afternoon. Obviously there were rest periods in there while I made dinner etc. but for the most part it was a heavy day of creating.

I felt fine almost the whole time. But just the last half hour or so I started to feel the balance thing again while sitting in the chair, and I still feel it now a little. It's driving me crazy, especially since last night it hit me out of the blue. I was watching my show and having a midnight snack when I realized how great I felt. Totally normal. I said to myself, this is the life. It was so nice just to feel good again.

Well, not to long after that,the balance issues hit. Couldn't sit on the bed without feeling seasick, walking was difficult too. I managed to watch my show some more, and then decided I might as well go to bed. Well I was doing fine, and actually falling asleep, until the cat woke me up. Once up I felt the issues return and then I got scared, so I tried walking around the house for a bit, and then got back on the computer to play some games. I didn't even pick anything out as I started to feel pretty good again, so I just went to sleep. I have NO idea what happened there.

That's why it's hard to believe it's all anxiety, because I was so opposite of being anxious when it hit. I felt great! So when it started up again tonight while finishing my last painting, I have to say I wasn't pleased.

I've been feeling pretty good today, so I really didn't want anymore issues. The bottom line is, I had a pretty darn good day, and a productive one too. Not only did I bust out a bunch of artwork (they are small pieces so it goes fast), but I also managed to do some cleaning and laundry too. Yea me for getting my chores done!

Okay, I've really got to get ready for bed, I'm so not looking forward to getting up at 6 am tomorrow. Yuck!

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