Tuesday, August 11, 2009

This morning wasn't so great either

Oh boy. Well I woke up today feeling terrible. My balance was completely off and is was super hard to walk. I was half asleep and I don't think I was having anxiety awake or in my dreams so I can't figure out why I felt so awful. Except that I was feeling bad last night, so I guess it must have carried over.

I'm sorry to say, that I called into work today. In the morning I was super scared of how I was feeling, and I wasn't about to deal with that mess at work. The good news is, I started feeling better after I called in and eventually I was able to fall asleep again.

When I woke up the second time, it was much better. Few! I did have some troubles going from sitting to standing position and walking around though. I also was feeling the balance/swaying thing while sitting in bed reading blogs, so when we officially got up, I started cleaning the house, to get myself moving around and distracted.

It worked. I felt normal again, and got a lot accomplished. In the afternoon we headed over the hill to pick up some art supplies, and go to my parents for dinner. I was feeling crappy at first in the car, (the motion and turning on all the turns was making me feel seasick). Even when we stopped at the park to feed Fancy Feathers, I still wasn't feeling that great.

We didn't stay long though, because we had to get a move on in order to get to my mom's on time. I think had we spent time there, and walked around in the creek or went for a hike, that I would have felt fine when we left.

In didn't matter too much, because next we went to Joann Fabrics, and lo and behold, I didn't have any problems while I was loading up on canvases and paper. Same thing for Michael's. Even standing in long lines at both stores, I was fine.

I felt great the rest of the day and night, and even now I feel pretty good. So go figure that out.

Today is a non art day, but I did spend lots of time representing myself on the blogs and art groups I belong too. Sometimes I think that is just as important as making the art itself. It's good to get your name out there.

I'm at the point where I almost have enough work to show in a gallery. Right now my canvases are off being photographed so I can make prints of them. It's weird but I miss them. The living room seems so empty without them.

I will try selling the prints online and see how they do. If all goes well, I will think about expanding my options, and possibly approaching other galleries around the area. For the first time in my life, I feel like I've found some kind of niche for me. Maybe this was what I was meant to do?? I really feel that I'm finding my style and that I can possibly make this work. Let's hope so!

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