Saturday, August 29, 2009


I missed yesterday's post. Oh well, not much was different from today actually. Same ol balance problems.

Yesterday they started after waking up and lasted throughout the morning until we left to check on Fancy Feathers. We stopped at the post office first to get a package and while waiting, I felt horrible. It totally felt like I couldn't stand, and the longer I had to wait the worse I was.

By the time we got the package and to the car, I was pretty worked up. It was especially hard because I had to drive, because of Matt's injury. We went over hwy 9 and for a while I was thinking about getting scared, and almost thought I wouldn't handle it on the drive over. Just like the old days.

The drive turned out fine, and once we got to the park I was starting to feel better. I was still a little off at first, but then it just went away. By the time we left I was normal and feeling good while we went to Safeway. I felt totally fine! So weird. Bad at home, good in the store. Whatever.

The rest of the night went well, and I woke up this morning feeling decent. I had some anxiety at first, and a tiny bit of balance issues, but it totally went away by the time we got up. I was doing really really good today. I went downstairs and did some artwork and felt totally normal. Then right before we were going to leave to get burritos, It hit again. It actually came on as I was doing the finishing touches on my collage. Not sure why, but when I got upstairs It was worse. In fact it continued to get worse, so I told Matt I didnt' want to go get burritos after all.

The problem was I really wanted them, and it's about 300 degrees in the house, so I really didn't want to cook. We hemmed and hawed for a bit, but finally decided to get the burritos. Funny thing was I was okay. A little balance issue but hardly at all while waiting. I just don't get it.

It comes and goes so fast sometimes. When we got home, I was fine. Until, that is, I came up here to write on the blogs, now I feel as if I'm rocking on a boat during a monsoon. And I'm just sitting here on the couch typing.

I really don't get it at all. If it is anxiety, It makes sense that it comes and goes like that. I'm hoping and guessing that if there was something serious going on, the sensations would stick with me, all the time. Or at least most of the time. I don't know. I'm telling you though, I'm getting sick of this.

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