Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Another Fire Hazzah

New day new post. Well. Today hasn't been bad. I got up feeling good again. Well, my ear hurt and was all plugged and I was super tired, and didn't want to go to work, but I really felt fine otherwise, and I did go to work.

Good thing too, because my co-worker called in so I was by myself the whole time. It was actually nice, and I had quite enough to keep busy, so I didn't have too many chances to worry much. I did have some balance issues sitting in the chair but overall, not bad.

After work we went to check on Fancy Feathers and he wasn't there. This is a little worrisome, as we don't know if he is hiding, was eaten, or was taken away by animal control because of his injury. We will try back tomorrow and hopefully he will be there. I sure will miss him if he's gone. He's almost like one of our own pets. I hope he is alright.

Oh I was able to take a normal nap today! I felt okay laying down and getting up. Woohoo!

We had a little excitement over here too. When I woke up we noticed there were planes circling the house, this means one thing. Fire. We watched them for about a half hour then decided to take the motorcycle down the rode to see what was happening.

We didn't have to go far. 1 mile down the road the Brookdale Lodge was on fire. Too bad. But luckily it seemed to only have damaged the back of the lodge and not the main building. It was classified a 3 alarm fire so it must have been pretty bad. We didn't get to see much as they were turning everyone around before the lodge. The road was covered in foam though and it looked like it had snowed.

The good news is it's out now, and it didn't spread up the mountain like they feared. Also I didn't panic. At all. In fact It was kind of exciting it a weird way. I wasn't worried about us being affected, even though we were so close. I figure it we have to leave we leave. I know where everything is now in case we need to go, so I'm ready.

Other than that, not much to report. I'm dizzy again, and sounds are setting it off again, but that' happens most everyday now, so what can I do.

I'm off to watch my shows now.

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