Sunday, August 23, 2009

A mixture of feelings today

Today I didn't wake up dizzy or off balance! Instead I woke up half deaf. My right ear was completely plugged, and it was such an uncomfortable feeling. I really should have put those drops in last week, and done what the doctor told me, but I was such a sissy about it.

I was afraid it would make me feel worse, like when I had that testing done and they ran the water into my ears. Ever since then, I've been terrified about having water or anything drip into my ears.

Needless to say, now I had to use the drops. It was uncomfortable and it made it feel worse for a bit, but it turned out okay. After much fussing around I finally got my ears to clear. Thank goodness!

Oddly enough It never made me dizzy.

I was actually fine going to work and even working the first couple hours. Then the breathing problems started while eating my breakfast, not to long after that, the balance issues started in the chair, and finally the pressure cooker feeling. OY!

When I got off work, we went to see how Fancy Feathers was doing. Once at the park, I started to feel better. Naturally. We eventually found him in his tree house area sitting amongst a pile of zuchinni and sunflower seeds. He didn't seem to care for them. He's still in pain, but there's not much we can do if he won't let us catch him. I'm just glad he was still alive.

We went home after our visit, and I was feeling sort of funny again. Matt wanted to go on a motorcycle ride, but we were both pretty tired, so we took a nap instead. I was hesitant to sleep at first, as I could feel the balance issues coming on, but I managed to snooze for a bit.

Much to my surprise I actually slept, and I felt fine getting up. Very good. Though once I was up, I felt weird again, like I was almost dizzy but not quite, not sure how to explain it. Anyway, we then took Monkey on his walk, and Matt ran around the block a few times, while I stayed with the cat. I was okay with that, even though I felt a little weird.

When we came back home, we decided to take the motorcycle to the burrito place in Felton for dinner. I have to admit, I was nervous on the ride there. I kept thinking I would feel funny, or not be able to handle myself at the restaurant, etc. Well, once at the Taqueria I was fine. In fact I felt strangely relaxed in the building, and standing in line, and waiting for our food. So unusual!

The ride home I was much better, until the lid of the side box flew off on Hwy 9. I got nervous again, as it's tricky turning around on a two lane mountain road, and then retrieve the lid on the road, but we did it.

Now here's where it gets strange. Once home, I felt normal. Completly. Like that relaxed feeling came over me again, and I didn't have any balance issues or anything. It felt great! I even went downstairs to finish my collages, and I finished one, and would have done the other had it not got so late.

So now I'm still feeling good, though I did feel a little off balance while cleaning up, but so far it hasn't escalated.

It's time to start winding down anyway, as I work tomorrow, and need to get some sleep.

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