Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Honestly, I really did have a good day!

Oh to post or not to post, that is the question. Well I'm posting, but I don't want to stay long. I just spent entirely too long reading the comments from Tara's Biggest Loser blog. Way too addicting. Now of course it's late, and I'm too tired to go into a long account of my anxieties for the day.

Luckily for me, and anyone who may read this, there isn't much to say. Basically I had a good day today. Virtually symptom free. Had two therapy sessions! The last one with the psychiatriast (I know that is spelled wrong, and I'm too lazy to google it for the right spelling.) Who cares.

Yes I was nervous at the beginning of the day knowing I would have a full day of dealing with my issues. ( remember two therapy appointments.) Plus I had to pop into work to pick up my disability papers. Believe it or not, I was more scared of going into my work than my appointments.

Still, I did fine through everything, and was put on disability for 3 months! Wooopie! I would be lying big time if I didn't say I wasn't excited about not working until next year. I hate my position now, and for the most part the whole place leaves a sour taste in my mouth, not to mention a bad smell in my nose. It's been 9 years and I'm sick of it. It might be different if I was still a tech, but since I never will be again, It's time to throw in the towel I think.

Now these 3 months will give me time to find something else, or have my art take off. I'm working hard on getting my art business started and really I hope I can at least make a little income off of it. It truly is what I want to be doing. NO more of this office crap. I left corporate america for a reason. when I came to my work place 9 years ago, I took a pay cut of half my usual salary to work in an environment that I love. And that is with animals. I felt blessed each day I worked, thinking how wonderful it was to be there (even in surgery) instead of some office cubicle all day. It was a teaching hospital and a very close family.

Now that has all changed. It is more and more like a corporation even though it is privately owned, and my particular supervisor has made it so I hate the very thought of driving into the parking lot. All the fond memories I used to have, are now tainted with her nastiness. That environment worsened my anxiety big time, and I have no desire to ever go back, at least not to the position she made me take.

Shame on my company for letting her have so much power! She has driven so many people away with her hijinks, and no one will put a stop to it. I have no respect for that place (at least the management and owners) anymore.

Well I guess I had more to say than I thought, and apparently I needed to rant. I could go on and on, but I'm trying hard not to name names, in case someone sneaky finds out who writes this blog. Right now, I'm so angry and sad at what has happened with my workplace. I used to love what I did, and now I hate it. And no one should have to put up with the crap she dishes out.

Okay maybe I read too many of those comments, I'm obviously on a bashing kick right now. I better stop and take a Tums.

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