Friday, September 25, 2009

Well, I never

I'm so tired, I can't stop yawning. I'm not exactly sure why since it's fairly early, but I am. So this post will be short. I hope.

Today was good. I woke up fine again. I was basically okay today, except for a brief moment while waiting for lunch to cook, but other than that I was good.

The main things that happened today were I went out to the store alone. I went to the little drugstore in town, since I'm tired of the grocery store, and I wanted to see if they would have any cool Halloween stuff. They didn't, but I did really good! Even walking into the store, I was pretty much fine. I felt really good the whole time I was out, and never felt the need to rush away or escape. Score!

The second bit of good news is the gallery opening went awesome. I was pretty nervous about going, knowing there would be a lot of people that we might potentially talk to, and a lot of standing around etc. But you know what? I was fine!! In fact I was doing so well, that I didn't think to be off balance until some time into the event, when I realized that I was feeling okay. And the even weirder thing was It didn't come on when I thought of it. Nor did it bother me when we were talking to the main lady who was showing me the ropes of running the gallery. I had no issues! I stood and talked for about an hour, and no balance problems! I even agreed to volunteer at the gallery without fear. What the heck?

Then, we went to the grocery store across the way, since Johnnies doesn't carry the stuff I needed, and again I was fine! Can you tell I'm surprised? I even left Matt in the store and went out to the car down the street to get the grocery list. We even stood in a long line, and everything was cool. What is happening to me?

And if that wasn't enough on the way home, we stopped at the Chinese food place, and ordered take out. We had to wait in lines, and wait for 30 minutes for our food, and again, no issues! I've been fine all night too. Honest to goodness, I'm somewhat shocked.

Now tomorrow is another story. We are supposed to go to Santa Rosa, and I have to say that darkens my day a bit. I am scared. And I do not feel like driving all the way up there. I would rather stay at home and work on my new collages. Bummer. Hopefully it will go okay.

That's it for tonight, I'm pooped. This mostly anxiety free day, has worn me out.

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