Thursday, September 24, 2009

Strange day

So today was interesting. It wasn't bad, yet it wasn't great either. It started off fine. I woke up good, and sat around checking blogs etc. while I waited for Matt to get up. I started to feel weird sitting in bed while reading the blogs. It started right before I "officially" got up for the day.

It wasn't the usual rocking on a boat feeling. No it was more like a form of dizziness in and around my eyes. I know the things I describe are weird. I cannot help that. I have no other way though to describe what I'm feeling, because it's so bizarre.

This feeling is the same feeling I usually get at work, when I'm sitting in the chairs. I used to think it was dizziness because I was feeling seasick from the chairs, but now I'm not so sure.

The good news is, it was very mild, the bad news is, I worried about it a bit. Although I did really well, compared to what I used to do.

The feeling lasted off and on all day today, and I had to use a ton of coping skills to keep from obsessing over it. I've basically been doing art all day, though I didn't get very much accomplished.

I did however do some of my list. Right after lunch I was feeling pretty good, so I decided to drive to the store. Well as soon as I thought it, I got nervous. So much so, that I stopped and played Mario for a bit, and then went. I was still very nervous, but I went and parked and even walked into the store. That's as far as I got, because the store was jam packed with people. I'm not kidding all I could see were people clogging up the aisles and waiting in line.

Um. NO. I wasn't going to try that. So I went home, and went downstairs to work on my collage. About an hour later, I was feeling good again, so I took off with the intention of just getting gas, since we really did need it, and gas isn't as bad as a store.

For some reason, I was a nervous wreck at the gas station and even broke out my game to play, but just couldn't relax. I did manage to wait for the tank to fill up before I left, which was good. Even though I was nervous, I knew I had to try that store again. Simply because we needed things.

I walked in and it wasn't bad, hardly any people, so I sped around the store gathering my items and made it to checkout with only one person ahead of me. Feeewww! It wasn't bad, but I wasn't too comfortable either.

It was just a weird day. I couldn't shake that nervous feeling while doing the scary stuff. Usually if I accomplish something like that, I'm really happy and tend to relax once the hard stuff is over. Not today. Which is why I spent almost all of it downstairs. I feel fine working on my paintings, and in fact feel pretty good now. I was having that weird feeling again after dinner, and I went downstairs and started working on stuff, and it totally went away.

So even though it's been a decent day, it's still weird in the sense that I was feeling yucky at times, and also I wasn't in the best of moods. I felt irritated a lot, and not at all like I felt yesterday, which was totally happy and feeling like I could do anything.

Oh well. I'm going to start winding down for the night, because the art I'm producing is terrible. I did manage to do a pretty decent replacement for the Alice in Wonderland challenge, but it's still missing something. The Halloween one I did, is deplorable. I'm not sure what I'll do with that. HO hum, that's the kind of day it's been.

Alright, it's time for some Felix and Oscar hijinks, they always make me laugh.

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