Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I don't beleive it

Today was a good day!! Well except for my laptop dying, and now I can't do my art class, or get my music, or my art pictures, or my email, or write which isn't really a problem since I haven't written in ages anyway, but thought I'd mention it, since I was listing things I couldn't do.

So except for all that, It was a good day!

What made it so good? Well first, I can hardly believe this myself, but I actually made it into a gallery!! Yes sir, I have 3 collages on display for a whole month!! I even went down there today just to confirm, and it is true, my art is indeed hanging on a gallery wall. Holy Moly!

Next I had a pretty darn productive week, anxiety wise, so I had lots of good stuff to report to therapy today. Also, I talked to my work, and they got the letter, and it was agreed that I could go on a personal leave. So yeah me. I'm now able to do Fear Factor for a month, and hopefully I'll be all better soon.

Then we went to Matt's work after therapy, and thanks to my handy dandy Nintendo DS I was able to keep busy the whole 3 hours we were there. No issues at all!! In fact, I actually sat outside in the car the whole time, and you won't believe this, I took off and drove the car around for giggles, and actually went on a real street with cars and stop lights.

Yep, I was feeling pretty much normal today, and it was great! In fact, I almost feel like if I can plan a good route, I may be able to drive around to stores while Matt is working. I suppose our next step will be to have me drive over the hill and Matt follow on the motorcycle. We may do that this week, since we couldn't feed Fancy Feathers today, so we might make a special trip down to see him, and that will be a great opportunity to practice that.

So while I'm in mourning for my laptop, I'm feeling pretty good about my accomplishments today. I love it when I have good days like this!!!

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