Monday, September 7, 2009

Thank god for Holidays!

Oh my gosh it was so nice, not to get up early for work today. Not only that, I woke up feeling pretty good. Before getting out of bed, I thought I was going to have some dizzy issues, and I sort of felt it, but if I did it was super minor as I was fine when I got up.

In fact I was feeling good almost the whole day! I went straight to my room to do some art today, and then we went down to mom's for dinner. The first time I felt bad, was getting in the car, and sitting down, then I started to feel the balance issues start up again ever so slightly. However, when we got to the gas station it really kicked in as I was looking around while waiting.

Of course then I started to really feel it, and for the first bit of the drive, maybe 5 minutes or so, I felt yucky. After that, it went away and I did really well at my mom's! Lately I've been having trouble talking even to my family, but tonight I felt good and was relaxed. It wasn't until right before we left when we were sitting around the table that I felt like the balance issues might be kicking in again. Whether or not it was I don't know, because we left then, and I was fine going home.

In fact I'm still doing pretty good. I've been in my room since we've been back and I almost finished the first page in a book I'm making. I do feel the balance issues a bit as I sit and type but hopefully they won't be too bad.

I think I'll call it a night soon as I have to work tomorrow. Bleh. I think I'll go watch the Odd Couple now.

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