Sunday, September 27, 2009

Plesant Valley Sunday

Another good day today. Woke up fine. Been feeling good almost the whole day actually. Even my back is better.

I decided to go for my drive/errand in the afternoon, while Matt swept the yard. This time, I was fine driving. Usually I get nervous right away, but I did good. I drove all the way to the end of town, and since I didn't need anything at the store, I decided to check out the video store instead.

I was in there a few minutes, and didn't see anything of interest, when anxiety hit. I felt all weird like I was going to spin or something, so I ran out of there, which I know I'm not supposed to do, but I did.

Of course once in the car I was fine, and immediately relaxed, which is more than I can say for previous outings, where I usually have to play Mario when I get home since I'm still pretty worked up.

It was sometime after that that I started to feel a tiny bit of balance issues, but I didn't pay it much attention, and went downstairs to work on my paintings. I had no problems physically while working, but I did have a huge problem creatively. I could not produce anything good. I basically made two disasters not at all worth showing to anyone. It's like I lost my flow.

Anyway I put a stop to that nonsense, and came upstairs to play games instead. Now we did go to the grocery store to get dinner supplies, and I admit after getting back and even while in the car a bit, I felt the balance crap returning, but then I did the dishes which took 25 min! And I was fine.

Oh yeah, and we went for an extended walk with Monkey today. Ran into two neighbors and talked forever. We were gone an hour and 15 minutes. So I had plenty of talking points to add up today. The amazing thing was until we got to the last neighbor I was doing fine! No issues standing and talking. A little at the end, but not enough to freak out or feel I need to escape. More like I'm uncomfortable and wouldn't mind sitting down kind of thing.

Not bad.

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