Friday, September 4, 2009

In my room

Well. I had a pretty good day today, with the minor exception of serious balance issues while out shopping (in town), but once we got home I was fine.

I even woke up pretty good. I kept thinking I would be really off balance as I walked around to get the cats fed, but really I was okay. I did have problems as usual after sitting in bed blogging for a couple hours, but once up and moving about, eventually all was fine.

I spent almost the whole day in my room. Most of the time I was doing art. I'm working on little 4x4 pages, just for giggles. If I got frustrated, I just sat in my papasan chair and read a book, until I felt like trying the art thing again.

I'm not used to relaxing so much, so I did feel guilty and semi nervous for about half the day, thinking I should be outside doing something summery since it's nice out, or I should be cleaning the house and the mountain of dishes residing on our kitchen counter, as I'm too lazy or occupied with art to do them.

Once we got back from the store around six, I pretty much gave up feeling guilty and just enjoyed my time, though it's probably because the day was pretty much over by then, well the daylight hours anyway. Oh yeah, and I did the dishes.

I have to say, it's wonderful being able to have my own space like this. I never really used it before, though I don't know why. Now it's set up so I don't have to leave really. In fact I've been in here so much, Matt came in about an hour ago, to work, so he could have some company. Usually we both sit in the living room on separate couches and sit at our respective laptops. You can really spend a day fast doing that.

I'm loving my new set up, and it's completely relaxing me. I can do my art, listen to my music or my shows, or read, or write etc, and I won't be bothering anybody. It's like I have some of my independence back.

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