Monday, September 14, 2009

Are you crazy or just mean?

I had a mixed day today. I woke up alright. At first I seemed dizzy before getting out of bed, but I had no trouble at all. No dizziness or balance issues when I got up, so I was off to a fairly good start.

All in all, my time at work anxiety wise wasn't terrible, yet I did have my moments. One while talking to one of the office managers about taking leave. It was so hard to stand, and I really wasn't paying much attention to what he said, due to the swaying, but before I went in, I was feeling good, so now I know that's anxiety!

Then there was the mini panic attack I had 10 minutes before my shift was over, I survived obviously. Basically it was off and on during the day, but nothing out of control. Oddly enough I kind of felt worse on my break as we were walking around. It was like looking around was hard and I felt semi dizzy in my face and eyes. Don't ask.

When I got off work, I had a moment in the car when I started to feel strange, almost detached, and I got that weird weak feeling in my arms, but it went away fast, and to be honest Matt and I were discussing my supervisor and how nuts she is. And that's a very stressful subject.

You won't believe this, but after that meeting last week, and after her saying how she liked that I stayed busy, and after I stressed very loudly several times, how I NEED to be busy, and that I like the work, well guess what? She took it all away.

Yep today I had NADA to do. I sat waiting for phone calls to come in. I even asked for the work and she said it was downstairs and that she would get it, I offered to go myself, and she said no, well 3 hours and a break go by and no work. So I ask again, can I please go get it downstairs? You know what she said?? NO. How does that make sense? Not only that, but it was like the slowest Monday I've seen in a few months, so I literally sat bored to tears staring at my computer waiting for calls.

I'm actually really surprised I didn't have more anxiety because of that. Needless to say, I'm not exactly jumping for joy to go back to work tomorrow and stare at my computer again.

On a brighter note, we went to Walmart for two hours (yes I did say two hours. It's not easy to shop with two people who can't make decisions.) and I totally did fine! No anxiety, not even while waiting in line. How about that? After that episode in Santa Cruz I was leary about going to Walmart, so It was definitely a shock to say the least that I did ok.

Even now I'm doing ok at home. I feel a little off sometimes, like I'm leaning a little forward, but I'm very tired and headachey again, and I really think I need sleep and that might be part of it.

I'm not bad at all, and I'm sitting here on the bed feeling good balance wise, so I can't complain too much. I even finished another collage!. I was going to watch the 1st video for my art class tonight, but it's getting late, and we all know what happens now right?

You got it, food and the Odd Couple!

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