Friday, September 11, 2009


You will not believe this, but I've actually had an anxiety free day!! All day! No symptoms, no nothing, I felt normal all darn day!!! I know! I can't stop shrieking either!

The weird thing is, I totally thought I would have issues, with my mom being in Tahoe, and having to go to Matt's work today, but nope, not a problem. I even had the head pressure thing a little bit at a restaurant and it was fine. Oh yeah, we ate at a restaurant, in high chairs that usually make me feel yucky, but It was all okay.

It was a good day too. We went to Matt's work, I played my games on the computer, while he had a meeting. We went to geek central and I read a magazine, while Matt looked at boring gadgets, then we went to Michaels, and then a very yummy Indian Restaurant for dinner, then it was off to rooster park where we found Fancy Feathers sitting up way high in his tree (that's how he doesn't get eaten, I've always wondered, smart bird), and finally we went home. I finished my collages, including the mess I made yesterday, and one came out super cool, and one is pretty decent. That's it, now I'm here writing my post, and soon I'll be eating and watching the Odd Couple.

Not a bad day at all! Please let there be more of them!

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