Sunday, October 11, 2009

Whoopsie Daisy

Oh dear. It came to my attention this morning, that once again, I completely forgot to write my post last night. I'm not sure why after all this time, I'm forgetting so often to write these past 2 weeks. I think this is the third time I've forgotten.

What's even weirder, is that I totally thought I had written it, and was thinking about it this morning, when it dawned on me, that it wasn't so. I almost ran straight to the computer to apologize, but then I thought once again, why am I needing to apologize to myself? There is nothing to justify here, I forgot and that's that.

So here I sit tonight, a little unwillingly as I was deeply engrossed in the book I'm reading now. Another one about Katherine Howard, and I'm glad to report that this book does not disappoint, nor did it change my opinion of her. I still favor her, and Anne of Cleves as my favorites of Henry's wives.

Now of course, I'm all into the Tudor scene again, and will probably devour the next book I can find, preferably about Anne of Cleves. Maybe I should see what the hype about Anne Boleyn is about, but I'm not sure. She doesn't do it for me.

Anyway, this is beside the point of this post I suppose, though it is what I've been doing lately. It's been a loooong time, since I've sat and read a book, so it's nice to be able to do so again. Especially after yesterday. Well actually I read a lot yesterday too, because I had a terrible headache, but then I felt guilty for not doing anything all day, and so around this time last night I went into a weird funk. More sadness about my past and not being able to live life like I want. Then feeling guilty because here I am whining about not being brave enough to go to the grocery store when other people are actually dealing with real illnesses.

Luckily I was able to pull myself out of it, well with Matt's help, and we had a very pleasant rest of the night/morning. Didn't go to bed til 3 am, which led me to sleep til 11 this morning. I was somewhat alarmed when I saw the clock and realized half the day was almost gone, even worse I still needed to sleep more. I finally got rolling around 1:30. Sad but true and then the day just flew by, as it is wont to do when you sleep half of it away.

I had a good day though. Since Matt was making me anxious by insisting on putting the gutters on the roof by himself, I did not feel safe by myself downstairs. I wanted to be within calling distance in case of an emergency anxiety attack, so I hauled all my art belongings upstairs to the kitchen table.

Not sure what to do exactly, I brought up my big canvas for the upcoming Mountain Mama gallery show next month, and after many discussions with myself and Matt, finally decided on what to do. Way cool idea, and I really hope it works out like I think it will.

I then spent the rest of the daylight hours planning my project. We even went out, and took pictures, though I don't think any will work out.

The rest of the night I've been reading my book, and I can't believe it's almost midnight when it feels like maybe 9 or 10. We really must try to go to bed earlier. I really do not like missing half the day, especially at this time of year, when it gets dark so early. Then it really feels like you missed out on things. Plus the light in the house is terrible when it's dark, so it really makes artwork (upstairs anyway) not possible.

So tomorrow (and today actually) we are preparing for the upcoming storm, and I am trying my hardest not to panic. I know we have 5 gallons of gas, and if it were up to we'd fill the other container too, because I know we will loose electricity, and will need to use the generator possibly for a more than one day if it's as bad as they say. I hate hate hate wind. With wind, trees fall, and since we live in a forest, I'm not too keen for that to happen.

I suspect we will be sleeping in the living room again, as I'm scared of the bedroom during bad weather, since there is a hefty tree right next to the bed. Though honestly if I think about it, we really aren't safe anywhere, there are trees all around the house... Oh boy, I best not think of that right now.

Anyway, I'm hoping the storm won't be too bad. Sometimes they predict something way worse than it is.

Well I'm off for now, if I have internet the next few days I will be posting, but it's entirely possible we won't, especially Tuesday.

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