Tuesday, October 20, 2009


So today was a bit boring seeing as we never left the house. Oh wait, yes we did to go to the store, and I had mild anxiety there, but certainly not enough to write about.

The main thing that happened was I had to cancel my doctors appointment tomorrow because I had worked myself into a frenzy today. I could not concentrate or relax due to nerves, so I thought it best to reschedule for next week after I have more therapy. The really stupid thing is I like this doctor, and I am not afraid at all of him nor the procedures he does, but I couldn't get over my fear of being trapped.

The rest of the day, went by in a somewhat boring blur. I did work on my collage though, and am almost done. I just have to add embellishments and then it will be finished.

I also had moments of anxiety, most extremely while reading the end of my book on Katherine Howard (this happens every time I read this story), somehow the fact that she gets beheaded always evokes extreme anxiety in me, and while anticipating my doctors appointment.

Other than that the anxiety was here and there and bothersome, but not really keeping me from doing anything (well except everything I'm scared of).

I really really need to keep to some kind of schedule, because If I allow myself to float around aimlessly throughout the day, I get absolutely nothing done, then I get irritated and depressed, because I wasted yet another day.

Seriously I need to work on this. Luckily I have this project to get done for the gallery, but after that?...

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