Monday, October 26, 2009

Sunday musings

I know I'm slacking with the posts lately, but the truth is, I'm getting tired of doing the blog. I totally figured this would happen, as it does with everything I do, but I am surprised I kept it up as long as I did without faltering. So that's a plus.

Obviously I need to keep up with the posts, so I will definitely make a habit of doing so, I just hope I don't stop.

Now today has been interesting. It started off excellent. I woke up feeling really well. The morning was fine, but just as I was getting ready to take my piece to the gallery and after eating a huge wrap, I started having issues.

I suspect it was that I was so stuffed from lunch, I was having some trouble breathing, that always leads to panicky feelings and sure enough as we walk out the door the other symptoms start.

I tried to ignore it as best I could, because I knew once at the gallery I would be stuck filling out forms and talking to people, and I didn't want to panic.

Which is unfortunately what I did, I was actually thinking of how I could flee the place without looking stupid, but all of a sudden a calmness came over me, and I did fine the rest of the time.

However once I got home I was still feeling a little off, I played my game for a bit to try to calm down, which worked enough to allow me to read for a bit. Then I got tired and took a nap. Which turned out ok. I woke up fine, and was doing good, and even excited when I found the Iron Chef was starting tonight at 7.

For some odd reason ever since I started watching TV I've been having so many symptoms. First the pressure cooker, and then the weird I'm falling/can't walk/heavy feeling. It's driving me bananas, and I can't just shrug it off like I was able to with my issues yesterday.

It may be because I'm really dreading my doctor appointment tomorrow. I'm so scared about being trapped, and yes I really will be because I am actually being examined, unlike many of my other appointments where I just talk to them.

Anyway we will see how tomorrow and the rest of the night goes.

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