Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What happened today?

Oy! I'm lazy about this blog stuff lately. Getting home too late, and not feeling up to writing. Today was an odd day. Woke up great. No issues getting ready. I went to mom's for our Tuesday ritual and for some reason the weirdness started. All darn day I felt strange off and on. First I kept feeling this weird feeling in my face and eyes. Don't even ask.

Then the pressure cooker feeling started, which I still have now btw. It goes away, but comes back constantly today. Good news is, I took my blood pressure twice during an episode, and it was totally low, so now I know it's not that.

I dont' know what my deal is today, but I cannot shake the anxiety symptoms. Usually by the afternoon, it goes away when I'm at my mom's, but not today. I did feel better, while cooking dinner and stuff, but as soon as I stop, or shortly after the symptoms come back. Frustrating!!!

I had balance problems sitting down at times too. I really panicked on a walk home with my brother today, and the shitty thing is, it was such a short walk, and it was from my grandparents to my parents house, which is like two streets over. stupid!

Anyway, not doing good at the whole acceptance thing. I'm trying this week, and it's sort of working, but I'm not trying hard enough and today was a hard one.

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