Thursday, October 15, 2009

It's hard to think of titles that apply to your day sometimes

Not much happened today. I woke up with an anxiety attack, dreaming that I was stuck in an elevator without food or my Nintendo DS, very very scary.

I had good intentions today, but my main problem was I went to bed at 4 am, so when I woke up in terror at 10:30, I was still very tired. Unfortunately I was unable to fall back asleep due to issues with the cats, so I tried to wake up, and go about my day. It just didn't work, I was so tired I couldn't really concentrate, so finally at 3 I gave in and took a nap.

I woke up at 4:30 with another panic attack. This time my heart was beating outside my chest. I decided to just get up then and thankfully I was feeling much better once my heart resumed beating normally.

I finally set about to start my painting, and it was then that Matt suggested taking Monkey for a walk. So we did, as I really wanted to get out of the house for a bit. When we got back, I started in on my canvas. I worked for a couple hours, but standing that long is hard on my back so I went and did the dishes. I know that makes no sense, as I had to stand for that too, but I wanted to get them done so badly so I could relax.

I finally collapsed on the couch with book in hand around 9:30, and have been reading ever since. That's pretty much my day, other than I did various loads of laundry also.

For the most part, I have been pretty good anxiety wise. Before my nap, I felt strange, but I"m almost positive that is due to lack of sleep. Especially since I feel fine now, and have been since I woke up. I do occasionally feel off balance or maybe even sort of sick to my stomach a bit, but it doesn't seem to last long, and I wonder how much of that is really real.

So besides the anxiety attacks in my sleep, twice -which is a little odd come to think of it-I have done very well physically. Now if I could stop feeling guilty for not doing things sooner, and needing to get more accomplished with my day, that would be great.

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