Saturday, October 24, 2009

So I almost forgot to post

So today not much has happened except I finally finished my collage for the gallery show tomorrow. feew!

It's weird now that it's done, I feel like I have nothing to do, and feel a little restless, even though I was really looking forward to being able to sit and read, which I did for a few hours, but gave it up to watch the Iron Chef.

So I woke up sort of not good. It didn't last long, but my balance did seem comprimised at first. I've also been struggling all day, with strange sensations, (balance mostly), but I've been doing my best to ignore them, and I do notice that when I get truly busy with something such as sweeping the deck or doing the dishes, that I feel alright.

That's really my day, not too much to report. Tomorrow I will turn in my piece to the gallery, and Monday I have to go to the doctor, which I'm already hesitant about, but my mom and Matt will both escort me to make sure I go. So that should be interesting.

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