Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It's my Friday...

Well well well, what to say today... Hmmm... Not much of anything happened really. I mean we did the usual stuff. I went to work for 4 whole hours this morning. Got off at noon. Not too shabby for a days work huh? I love my Wenesdays. Sort of. I mean I love getting off early, but I do not love getting there early. Too bad you can't come in late and get off early. Now that is a schedule that agrees with me.

It's great though getting off at lunch time, since it pretty much leaves with you with the rest of the day to fool around with, and what's even better is that it's my Friday!

We didn't do anything unusual today, except got the car smogged. That worked out pretty well. While we were waiting we wandered (well I wandered, Matt ran) over to a park where I sat on a bench in the shade and ate my lunch, while Matt ran in circles around me. Poor guy. It wasn't that bad. They were big circles.

But seriously, it's a shame I'm not to the point where I can be left alone for him to have a proper run, but we are getting there. I mean I let him run out of my site much more often now, and most of the time it doesn't bother me too much. He doesn't go far, and it totally depends on where we are, but we are slowly building up to me being able to let him loose.

Boy when I do, I bet all hell breaks loose. Who knows what mischief I will get into. I'm telling you, in a way it's good he is around all the time so I'm chaperoned, because when I'm on my own, I tend to find myself at stores, shopping. I think that was my way of keeping busy, so I didn't get scared. Running errands takes up time, and I wouldn't have to stay home alone if I was out.

Nowdays, I'm sure I would be more disciplined, since we really don't have money to spend like we used to. What am I saying, we don't have money. At all. It's really sad, and just when I was starting to get comfortable living here again, we are talking about possibily forclosing on the house, since we can't sell it because we owe more than it's worth. Ugh!

Gone are the days of throwing money around like we were rich. I had a bad feeling it would run out when we first started dating, and it took awhile but it did, though only because Matt's work isn't really paying him anymore.

they do pay him, but only half his check, and usually it's a month late. Obviously my back issue, and earning less than half what I used to, doesn't help either.

Anyway I did not mean to go off on that tangent.

So fast forward to getting our car back, and we are on our way to Rooster Park to play in the creek, and see Mr. Fancy Feathers (the rooster) and hopefully his lady friend, Miss Bossy Boots. Today I finally remembered to bring him the corn I was saving, and I remembered the bread for the ducks.

We get to the park and I see Mr. Fancy Feathers right away. He's strutting around looking for handouts. It only takes him a second to hear my bag of corn rusteling, and comes running. I proudly produce a fresh cooked ear of corn, and give it to him. He takes about 3 pecks and walks away. I know! After all that, he totally snubbed my corn. The only way I could get him to eat it, was picking each kernal off and feeding it to him. Hmm... Something tells me he's getting spoiled.

Miss Boosy Pants, wasn't there again today, but I know if she was, she at least would have eaten the corn. The little pig. Oh and the ducks weren't there either, and I actually remembered their bread. Sheesh.

After the corn saga, we finally made it down the creek to the little swimming hole and got wet. And boy it sure felt good. That's the only way to handle the summer heat in my opinion. Creek walking is where it's at.

Once we were sufficiently cooled down, we made our way to Petroglyph again. This time we stayed 3 1/2 hours, and I actually got a lot done on my teapot. It's almost finished. In fact I'm pretty sure, I'll be done before Matt finishes his bowl, so I'm going to start another project while he finishes.

As you can see most of my day was great. I had moments of anxiety. Mostly head/eye pain that really made me uncomfortable, but luckily, it comes and goes, and seems to go away if I concentrate on something such as painting. I also had balance moments and dizziness, but really I'm trying not to let all that bother me, so I didn't want to mention it too much in the post. It wasn't bad, just annoying.

When we got home, I was feeling especially wobbly walking around, but I made dinner and put away some stuff and sure enough I felt fine. I even let Matt take Monkey on a walk while I stayed home. They weren't gone for long though as the mosquitoes where eating them up tonight, so they ran back pretty fast. And man they are crazy tonight, I got four bites going from the car to the front door. It took all of 20 seconds for me to walk that distance, and yet I was used as a buffett. I should have charged admission!

Okay I guess I better go, that was my day in a nutshell, and now I need to put up Junior's (the skunk) barracade. He pushes the cardboard box away and sneaks in still and eats all the Dinky's diabetic food(at least the skunk won't have diabetes), so now we have a huge block of wood and a log in front of the cat door. He better not spray tonight either as I'm tired of smelling his stinkiness, while I'm trying to cool off the house. He always sprays on the hot nights. Bad Skunk!

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