Thursday, July 16, 2009

Do you ever feel like Snow White?

I'm going to start with the bad stuff first just to get it over with. So Matt and I were on our way to Petroglyph this evening, after visiting the condo, to try to fix the A/C, when we got into a semi argument over where to eat. (Not at all unusual actually) I'll spare the details, but let's just say It was frustrating.

Needless to say, by the time we rolled up to Taco Bell, I was still somewhat miffed. Not very mad, just annoyed. So it will probably come as a surprise to you, cause it sure did to me, that I had a super duper bad anxiety issue right there in good 'ol TB.

I mean I know I didn't really want nachos again, but I didn't think it would instigate a panic attack. My goodness, all I did was reach around some guy to get a lid for my drink and boom, I was hit. After that it was like I was a robot, trying to get around the place and not fall over. I swear it's like I'm only half fuctioning, and the rest is like someone else is controlling me. So very fucking scary!!

And of all things I was just talking about coping techniques in therapy today, but at the time of the attack, I had nothing. I left my purse in the car with my phone so I couldn't even play a game. Of course as soon as we left and got in the car (read escape) to go to Petroglyph, I calmed down. Well, after I had a mini meltdown actually. I couldn't help it, I was pissed and frustrated and confused. The good news is, by the time we got to the studio to paint, I was feeling better, and only sort of wobbly while walking around to collect paints. And by the time I was painting, I was totally fine. 100 art/coping points right there! In the old days, we would have gone straight home when I freak out like that, but not today. I guess that's progress huh?

Anyhoo, it was all good once we started painting and I even wandered over to Powell's by myself to get an ice cream. I'm getting pretty good at that. Yeah me!

Now before therapy we went to the park to see our rooster and ducks. No chicken this time, I don't know where she goes, but we only see her maybe once a week. Anyway, It was so cute today becasue as soon as we drove up, Mr. Fancy Feathers came running over for his daily rationings, I think he knows our car now. We fed and watered him for awhile and then wandered into the creek to find the ducks.

At first I didn't see any, but then one came waddeling down the creek followed by another. Then they saw we had bread and started running towards us. As we were feeding them, 3 more came running when they saw what the others were up too. Pretty soon we were surrounded, by hungry beaks. They are pretty friendly and will get real close. They ate out of our hands, and one let me pet him. Too cool. I guess they like us now. In fact, as we made our way down the creek looking for the other ducks, I heard the sound of footsteps waddeling after us, I turn around and all the ducks are actually half running half swimming after us for more bread! They followed us all the way. What a difference from a few weeks ago, when they wouldn't give us the time of day. I swear I totally felt like Snow White at that moment. Maybe I should have started singing.

I guess food talks, because we are fast becoming friends with lots of woodland creatures. It sure would be nice if we could befriend the coyote that arrived in the neighborhood a few weeks ago, so we wouldn't have to worry about the cats. Oh well, I guess 5 raccoons, 3 skunks, 1 rooster, 1 chicken, 10 ducks and four cats are enough mouths to feed.

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