Saturday, July 18, 2009

Art Day!

Nothing much happened today, except I managed to have an art day! Finally! If I forget about all the worrying and weird feelings I've been having today, I've had a pretty good day.

I still feel funny, and still can't help thinking about the anxiety incident yesterday. In fact since it was so intense, I'm afraid it's going to set me back a bit. If it hadn't happened I may have been brave enough today to do a few things I needed to do, like return library books, and get milk. But since it did, I'm extra special scared again to be on my own. I can not imagine what I would do if that happened while driving, or standing in line at a store etc.

So despite the fact that I've actually had a good and productive art day, I'm somewhat depressed about my current situation, whereas before I was feeling pretty damn good about my progress, now I feel like it almost doesn't matter. Not good.

Anyway the only way, I've managed to get through yesterday and today without of full blown meltdown is to pretend the symptoms I feel are either not there or not serious, basically I try to ignore them and carry on my merry way. For the most part it works pretty good.

So now I have to put that into effect, as I'm not feeling the greatest while I write this post. It's time for me to start relaxing and watch some I Love Lucy to forget my troubles.

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