Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wednesday's Shenanigans

Okay so today didn't exactly turn into an art day. A little bummed about that, but that's okay. I still had a good day. Had to do some nasty cleaning though. So boring when you want to do other stuff. I'm sorry but no amount of whistling while I worked made that kitchen any more fun to clean. I think the Seven Dwarfs were high.

I didn't get everything done, but I'm not torn up about it either. I'm great at procrastinating, so I'll do it later. Instead we spontaneously went over the hill, to get a projector for Matt so he can trace all his drawings onto canvas. Too cool. I think it will work out good for him. Of course, on the way to the art store we just had to stop and see Fancy Feathers. He was there as usual parading around the picnic tables, but his family was amiss still.

We are getting worried about them, but since Bossy Boots wasn't there either, we are hoping she has the chicks somewhere safe. We will go by again tomorrow and check. I hope they are there.

After that, we went to Michaels to get the projector and then it was on to the fabric store for me, so I could get more fabric for a collage I'm doing. I've got a pretty cool idea, and I hope it works. I was going to test it out tonight, but we ended up at Petroglyph to work on our projects and just got home.

I know Matt will want to go down still, but man I'm tired. I'm ready to relax now, especially since I was up every two hours with a very overactive bladder. I swear you would have thought I'd drank a liter or two of liquid yesterday, but I didn't even drink that much (less than usual actually). I guess I was nervous in my sleep?

Whatever, it's cool I woke up feeling good and that's all that matters. Though I did notice I'm breaking out with some unidentifiable red spots, and I'm a touch concerned about those. However they aren't bothering me, except they keep appearing, but I don't have any itching or anything. Weird.

Besides all that, I basically had a low anxiety day. Some instances of balance issues, but nothing to write about and nothing that lasted.

So yeah me right? Things are turning around again it seems. I suppose it helps that Dinky is doing so much better. Please let it stay that way. No one knows what actually happened, but I sure hope it doesn't come back!

Well now my overactive stomach is telling me to eat, again so I better follow it's wishes. If I still drove unchaperoned I would hightail it to Felton, and get a burrito at Taqueria Vallerta, they are the only ones with any sense around here, and are actually open til midnight. Amazing! Everywhere else rolls up their sidewalks at dusk. It's like a ghostown. That's what I get for living in a small town I guess.

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