Monday, July 27, 2009

Not bad

Yea! I finally woke up today without any major issues. I felt pretty darn good all morning. Well on the way to work I started getting nervous, but I was also very distracted thinking about my art, but the butterfly feeling kept persisting. It actually got pretty bad, but once I got to work, things calmed down.

It was all pretty uneventful for the first shift. We went to Rooster park for lunch and not only was Fancy Feathers there, but Bossy Boots was as well. And I can't even believe this, but they had little baby chicks with them! No wonder she was gone for so long.

It was so much fun feeding them and the chicks came right up to us, and even let us pick them up. Too bad we didn't have the camera today, but tomorrow we will get pictures. Too cute!

So all was well. I went back to work and was pretty good. Until I ate some sushi and a candy bar. Bad! I know. Not the best food, but I was starving. The problem was I got dizzy. Why I don't know, but it does seem that that happens after eating sushi sometimes. Maybe too much soy sauce? Who knows.

The thing was the dizziness bothered me, and then my balance went. Pretty soon, I was starting to have anxiety like yesterday in the grocery store. Well I took care of that. I went outside and Matt and I walked around for a few minutes, and just being out in the open helped a lot! I went back in and it didn't take long for me to feel better.

Not bad huh? Came home and went downstairs to art and I finished my challenge for today. It was entered a bit late, but oh well. It's done and I'm really happy about it. Now, I can finish some others that I've been working on, and on the way to work I had a totally cool idea for a painting about fear, which I hopefully will do soon. I have a lot to do right now, so it may have to wait.

The important thing is today wasn't a bad day at all. For the most part I felt pretty good. Thank goodness.

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