Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Does this chocolate cake make me look fat?

Right now I'm feeling the need to create art. I have so many ideas, and so many started projects it's kinda crazy, and somewhat embarrassing (not to have finished them that is). You should see all the scraps of paper I have with new ideas for paintings, they just keep coming to me. I finally bought a tiny sketch book today so I could keep it in my purse and have it whenever the mood strikes to jot something down. That way it's handy and all the ideas are in one place.

A really cool thing is I'm getting a lot of ideas to incorporate fear into my art. And not in an ugly scary way, I think it might actually be cool. We shall see. I might try working on some tomorrow.

It's a little late to start tonight, but tomorrow I plan to have another art day. That's one good thing about my new schedule at work, I get off at 2 everyday, so I can still come home and have almost half the day left, which means more art time!! I'm not kidding, that's the first thought I had when they told me I was switched to another department and had new hours. It's also the main reason I didn't make a big deal about it either. There is a positive side!

Anyway, tonight I've done nothing but read and discover new art blogs and artists. So much fun, but oh so time consuming! It was well worth it though, because I found a few new favorites. I'm really determined to keep up the art thing this time, I'm hoping if I can do it long enough I will discover my own style.

Well, I have my own style already I suppose but it isn't perfected yet. The thing is I love to bounce around from technique to technique so I never really fully develop perfection in any one area. I'm pretty much that way with everything in life. That's the danger of having too many interests I suppose.

So, about the anxiety... I almost forgot this is my anxiety not art blog. Must write about yucky stuff now. Hmmm let's see, today wasn't too shabby actually. Okay, so I woke up slightly dizzy with a chance of balance issues, but it totally went away before I left the house for work.

And work was much easier than yesterday, I wasn't fighting for balance the whole time, and I actually almost had a good time. I mean I was working, so it wasn't all fun and games, but I kept busy enough, and boy it sure was nice to be able to leave for the day at 2!

Not that we rushed home or anything, we managed to waste 3 hours checking out art stores, and hanging out with Mr. Fancy Feathers, who I might add was missing his children and girlfriend/wife? today. Not sure what happened to them, but we hope they are alright. The babies are tiny, so they are very vunerable if they are staying out in the wild like that. We really hope they have a home and a cage at the camp up the hill. I would feel better if I knew they were being taken care of, at least at night.

Seriously, this really has been a pretty uneventful day anxiety wise, so I don't have much to say, which in this case is a good thing!

So, I'll be leaving now, to watch my daily dose of I Love Lucy and eat chocolate cake. :)

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