Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I hope the dentist doesn't hurt tomorrow...

Well let's see, what have I done today? I woke up, and that was good. Then I went for my therapy sessions, which were good as well. In fact I got my rx for my head medicine, I haven't taken it yet, but I at least have the rx so I can get it filled whenever I want.

Oh and I made a dentist appointment today, which considering I can tell the temperature through my teeth, it's a good thing I'm going.

Part of my therapy talk was to get me back on track with all my duties, and my main task this week is to make sure I get a drive in everyday. So I started today and went for my drive while Matt was at work.

This was extra special because not only was it dark, but I went and got a milkshake!! Which means I went through the drive through by myself! True there was no one ahead of me, but still I did it, and even under those pristine conditions, I was still scared. Major bonus points for me. It didn't matter that the shake sent shooting pain into my eyeballs every time I took a sip, the point was I actually got it all by myself.

We just got home from Matt's work, and now I'm sitting here waiting for the pain meds to kick in, and then I will play my game and probably eat a little something. That's pretty much it.

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